Friday, October 11, 2013

Gas Tanks and Dog Bites

Okay...anyone have the kind of car that shows you have lets say "150 miles  till  E" or at least shows you how much you got left till your car "breaksdown" ?
Or you hear a growl coming from a dog before he loses it on you?
Can you imagine if you had a countdown till you "breakdown" or "lose it?
Can you imagine if it said "okay Karen, you have 10 sucky days left before you break down "-or drop off the kids off  someplace safe cause your about to lose it in ...3....2...1!
Lets say this..You DONT have a gas gage that shows you how close you are to breakin down or the dog DOESNT growl - just remains silent  and out of nowhere loses it  on you.
You would have NO idea when your world is breaking down or losing it....... THATS what im talkin about.

Obviously everyone has their bad days, weeks, months (should I go on?) but when there is no warning  or reason at that moment before you do, it is a scary thing.
Happened to me in August..stress and depression and all I went thru the past 6 months decided to hit me and have a party on August 7th. Everything went double vision, tremors and other physical stuff all happened to me within 20 minutes. I could have sworn I was having a stroke. Thankfully Jimmy was there and he held me thru it- yes Im getting personal about my life ( Thats book.)
Then the crying spells started. Id cry cause I didnt know what to make for dinner that nite (yes ya'll I cook..shut up) Then mind started to go- I would seriously forget the kid in the car, hold a cereal box and wonder why?
 I  knew something was wrong . After a hundred appts at diff doctors (Im exaggerating- but seriously felt like 100 appts).. they came up with severe depression
Wait a minute..I crack jokes??? ....Im a happy person? ...I have  Christs  peace and comfort & I turn to him?  If I was THAT depressed, wouldnt I just lay in bed  and eat Ho-Ho's? Nah- actually anxiety masks itself with depression. Ya see, I had no warning,,,,My problem was taking care of the problems in the past, then be done with them..move on.. and if any of you know me well, then you know all that has happened in my life the past 3 years...CONSTANT CHAOS!
Yeah-I took care of all the problems right then, but shoved the incident and emotions that I shouldve gone thru  in the back of my mind... & I would   put on a happy face ..crack a joke or what ever it took to keep on keepin on.Whatever it took for people to see the Karen they knew... I was damaging myself and never knew it.
Long story short, Meds have been switched (I gots me lots of nice perty colored pills!!) , I force myself to go on FB even tho I feel I have so much to do-I gotta take a break ...I force myself  to continue to let my heart and mind come together and write in my journal or when I feel the need, write a blog. I have my good days and bad days... one day Im happy , one day you dont wanna cross my path...but the important thing is I have learned and  am allowing these feeling to come out and deal with them, cause I definetly dont want my gas gage to drop to "E"  or be ripped apart by a dog anymore.    Im coming out of my depression real well, which unfortunetly is now unveiling the anxiwty portion I have to go thru...Its not easy AT ALL But Im  thankful for friends and family who hang in there with me , for the people I cry to when one day im happy cause I have another day..or cry when I cant find my other shoe!
Thanks for takin the time to read this~Remember to take time FOR YOURSELF AS WELL !!
If you wanna comment do so but no negitive comments~world has enough negativity already!
God Bless ~Peaceout!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

First off I want to say I love my Mom, Peggy ! She deserves an award of the highest honor for raising me....She was faced with some hard times in life and she got thru it. She is a loving woman..she is a strong woman ..... shes there when I need her and does whatever she is able to do physically mentally, emotionally ...but with that being said...she is also the most stubborn woman in the world!!!  Also, unfortunetly I think due to my dads sudden death 16 years ago , has become more negative thruout the years -almost a "Debbie Downer", "Jonnie Raincloud". You could tell her the sky is blue and she would say" I think its grey....rain is coming..there goes my chance of hanging clothes on the line"...Remember Eyore from Winnie the Pooh? Yeah.
 One of the things she keeps for reasons only God knows, is magazines. Seriously- from like 1970 on. When my brother or sister or I ask her why..she says "cause there may be an article or recipe in there"....SERIOUSLY??? Well, sure enough, last year when I was going thru a depressing time in my life,
 ( my Best Buddy who lived cross the states died of a heart attack) , she brings me an article FROM 1978 ON PRE MENTOPAUSAL AND HOW TO GET THRU IT!!    WHAT????     Ma, seriously, thank you, but I would like to introduce you to a thing umm...called the uhhh...INTERNET? I am crying over the death of a loved one Ma.."Well, I thing you should read this never know!" she says...WOW.

Which brings me to the other thing she hoards...CLOTHES! She has a guest room closet that I call the  "overflow of clothes closet that I didnt even know a closet was there behind the clothes she had to hang on the trim cause the closet was so full" closet. My mom is a hoarder.  Not the gross kind like on TV and people live with skelatal remains of cats they didnt know they had, but enough to make her feel so overwhelmed she doesnt wanna even touch it. After speaking with her about giving it to consignment shops or Purple Heart, SHE GAVE IN -WOOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOO! So gently, we went thru , no lie, approx 400 pieces of clothing hung up in the closet. They were VERY nice brands, which made it easier to give to consignment for her to at least get some financial help for them. In fact so nice...THEY HAD THE PRICE TAGS ON THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Anyone remember Gimbles? Strawbridge and Clothier? Well  Im sure they would  remember her  SHE BOUGHT SO MUCH FROM THEM!!!!!!!!!!! Holy tags! Also, can we talk about the fact that my mom loved that Scottish plaid print? I dont even think a bagpiper has that much plaid! WOW! I dont know what size she is, cause she had so many different sizes in there, I thnk she could clothe the Duggar family! Some things she didnt even know she had, and got all excited caUse it was like Christmas for her! But lemme tell you - she knew and I got the story on EVERY PIECE OF CLOTHING and why she bought it,,,who she was with....if it was on sale....and the event she bought it for. The hardest was when I pulled an outfit out-minus the skirt, that she wore for my Dads Funeral. She wanted to keep it-the jacket- cause everyone said she looked pretty in it that day. That was a hard but loving moment.  Well after 3 hours, we finished. She did it! I told her I was so proud of her ( like she was a puppy who peed outside for the first time!!) but knowing how hard it was, and that it was a serious issue, I really am proud of her to "let go" of things she once thought made her happy...but in the end, just cluttered her on the outside and probably inside as well. She said she felt so much better and feels the strength to do more "cleaning out" with help. praise God :)
 Made me think on the way I keeping things just cause I can't let go? Material things? Emotional things? What is "cluttering my life? I thought of many a things and decided to start physically and "let them go". Im choosing to let it go-start with physical-bagged more than 6  trash bags of cloths to give away, not needed,,etc.Do you have "clutter"? you prolly do..why you holding on to it?  I think Im gonna now go and toss my childrens baby teeth....seriously, why do we keep them? We can't put em back in...hahahaha! .HAVE A GOOD DAY! No negative comments please-the world has enough negativity already!
 PEACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Let the Little Things Go

(k... day two and Im really proud of myself for being able to even log in without my neices help! ..Im really excited..jussayin)
Before Jim and I got maried, one of the best things that someone told me is to "Let the little things go..."
I was in" Bride Heaven" totally oblivious to what marriage was REALLY about- but hey- doesnt EVERYONE have the reception on their mind ? ...ur lyin.... Anywho, when she told me this, I was thinking     like "Oh Jim and I wont fight ...We Love eachother!!! blah blah blah.... ICK! Never gave it another thought....til l we got married.
For me , it is very very hard to let things go-meaning peoples actions and or words..or even seeing someone treat someone wrong or unfair. Jim and I didnt live together before we were married, so WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wake up call!  I had so many lil thing that I should just "let go" but no way! I was a very "dominant, get my point across even if your Helen Keller!!",  kind of person! I will let it be known that your "little thing" bothered me, then Im gonna hold it over your head!
 Hey - that got me real far...NOT.
So as time went on, I did let them go.....kinda...sorta.... Anywho, didnt last long cause then we had kids...(thats a WHOLE DIFFERENT BALLGAME  and that is ALOT of "little things to let go"!!!!!!So we wont even go I have too many scars on my lip FROM BITING IT SO MUCH!!!)  Carry on..over the years I started learning really what the little things were, and eventually picked and chose what to be upset over. And it has worked... Jim is a much better trained husband now..BAHAHA ONLY KIDDING! Seriously tho, we both learned.
I obtained a job as a claims Representative, for an Insurance Company. It really opened my eyes how people can really be over such "little things" For instance.. Bad Accident, injuries, someone  totaled  their car-we tell them the value -they ask "Did you include my leather steering wheel cover?" SERIOUSLY?? Uhhh- NO LEATHER TUSCADARO...not to be mean there but ummm-it was added on to the vehicle ..and if there was coverage.....u would get $2.50 for it!!  No lie-response "Well can u look and see if I can get that reimbursement"? Oh. My. Stars.
When you start to really look at what matters its almost hysterical some of the little things people wont let go,,,or need to say (for no reason whatsoever)
Today I had to get Bloodwork done ..elder gentleman next to me having blood drawn as well. He begins to talk to the nurse and the nurse called his doctor a she. He immediatley corrected her by saying "IT IS A HE IF YOU SHOULD HAVE TO KNOW"??? Like Seriously..why? why respond like that? Cant ya just lookover that and continue the conversation nicely as she was? (Specially when shes got the needle in your arm dude...jussayin...) Then I had to go to Lanc County Dept of Welfare to renew Alisons benefits. And....whadya know...someone is in their chair making sure the NEIGHBORS heard  her signs and complaints about how she waited for an 1/2 hr so far..Seriously? Do you have a lunch appt with the Pope? Cant ya just sit back and  chill for a bit?
 Im not saying I dont have my comments as well, personally  I cant stand when peoplewhile crossing the street in front of me think  its Disneyworld...looking around...I have a time or two..three.."reminded them " out my window that this isnt disney and get goin..So yeah- got faults
 But thru this, things like that ya just gotta accept period! Im in a place right now where "My meal on my plate is anxiety with a side of depression " cause for so long, I fell back into the trap of not letting little things go-Its time I do, and thinkin alot more peole need to do so as well... So next time someone flys by you while driving- try giving them the benefit of the doubt..maybe their kid is hurt, maybe their child is being born...whatever it is, its really has nothing to do with  YOUR consider it a lil thing and let it go.Well, not gonna lie..if I see someone being treated unfair...lil bit still comes out...I speak my mind,, but HEY! THATS ME!  I "politelyask them to refrain from their negitive remarks and that they should apologize to that individual for the way they treated them" ...there-hows that?
Dont leave any negitive comments on here- worlds got enough negitivity already- PEACEOUT!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Let me intoDUCE myself..........

k..flat out you're gonna have to bear with me-I was raised with Atari and space invaders (which I still blame for giving me my anxiety issues today...tell me you didn't freak as they dropped further and further towards was scary!?)With that being said, I am totally new to this blog thing and figured it would be a cool get some junk off my chest about my life and whats goin on- Sounds boring, BUT if you hang in there with me..guaranteed you WILL say to yourself "seriously human cannot be going thru that much "bad" luck.." Oh yes my friend...I am one of those people ! Also, I talk too much and being on facebook, I think everyone would defriend me just cause of the length of my posts! I would talk to a tree if it would listen...and heaven forbid if it talked back... I would be there for days! So all in all, This is my first post so Im gonna start this off in a general normal kinda way- normal only happens once for me in a great great while.

I named it "Seriously?"  cause with everything I witness, go thru or happens, i usually find myself looking up at God and saying..."SERIOUSLY??? To start things off bout me , first and formost,  I am a Christ Follower, a Christian..a Jesus Freak...a Bible thumper-what ever you wanna call it. I believe all Christ has done , and try to live by example of Him. Hey- I'm human some of my posts may not unfortunetly be what you would expect...but just cause Im a Christ Follower I AM THE FURTHEST THING FROM PERFECT....and im totally cool with that! I have a bumper sticker that says "Next time you think you're perfect...try walking on water" No One is perfect here on Earth.
Second, ...not gonna lie- got ADHD which is a blesing cause I can do multiple tasks most of the time, but a curse ...cause I see squirrels... yup! I have 2 kids-Luke 14 and Ali 10. Luke is a jokester, kindhearted but at that fantastic stage of thinking he knows it all-good stuff!~~ Alison had ADHD as well so a shout out to my mom in public that  Im SO SO SO SORRY  for ALL I put her thru-WOW!!! Married- Hubs is Jim - total opposite of me- for instance house would be on fire-I would tell him, and the first words that would come out of his mouth would be "Is that right?" while Im running around grabbin the dogs, kids etc and throwing them out the window for safety! Kinda rough being married to a  complete opposite, but he chills me when I need it and I think I bring out spontanious-ness in him .
So thats the end of my first blog so you kinda get to know me a bit. Goin thru a rough patch right now in life that I WILL overcome thanks to prayer, and friends ....and doctors...and pharmacists..and medication...- SORRY- anywho so I will be back again with my life stories that seriously? you're gonna get a kick out of at my expense! Which is cool- as long as I make someone smile! Do me a favor-  dont leave negative remarks....the worlds got enough negativity in it , -PEACEOUT! Karen