Thursday, August 22, 2013

Let me intoDUCE myself..........

k..flat out you're gonna have to bear with me-I was raised with Atari and space invaders (which I still blame for giving me my anxiety issues today...tell me you didn't freak as they dropped further and further towards was scary!?)With that being said, I am totally new to this blog thing and figured it would be a cool get some junk off my chest about my life and whats goin on- Sounds boring, BUT if you hang in there with me..guaranteed you WILL say to yourself "seriously human cannot be going thru that much "bad" luck.." Oh yes my friend...I am one of those people ! Also, I talk too much and being on facebook, I think everyone would defriend me just cause of the length of my posts! I would talk to a tree if it would listen...and heaven forbid if it talked back... I would be there for days! So all in all, This is my first post so Im gonna start this off in a general normal kinda way- normal only happens once for me in a great great while.

I named it "Seriously?"  cause with everything I witness, go thru or happens, i usually find myself looking up at God and saying..."SERIOUSLY??? To start things off bout me , first and formost,  I am a Christ Follower, a Christian..a Jesus Freak...a Bible thumper-what ever you wanna call it. I believe all Christ has done , and try to live by example of Him. Hey- I'm human some of my posts may not unfortunetly be what you would expect...but just cause Im a Christ Follower I AM THE FURTHEST THING FROM PERFECT....and im totally cool with that! I have a bumper sticker that says "Next time you think you're perfect...try walking on water" No One is perfect here on Earth.
Second, ...not gonna lie- got ADHD which is a blesing cause I can do multiple tasks most of the time, but a curse ...cause I see squirrels... yup! I have 2 kids-Luke 14 and Ali 10. Luke is a jokester, kindhearted but at that fantastic stage of thinking he knows it all-good stuff!~~ Alison had ADHD as well so a shout out to my mom in public that  Im SO SO SO SORRY  for ALL I put her thru-WOW!!! Married- Hubs is Jim - total opposite of me- for instance house would be on fire-I would tell him, and the first words that would come out of his mouth would be "Is that right?" while Im running around grabbin the dogs, kids etc and throwing them out the window for safety! Kinda rough being married to a  complete opposite, but he chills me when I need it and I think I bring out spontanious-ness in him .
So thats the end of my first blog so you kinda get to know me a bit. Goin thru a rough patch right now in life that I WILL overcome thanks to prayer, and friends ....and doctors...and pharmacists..and medication...- SORRY- anywho so I will be back again with my life stories that seriously? you're gonna get a kick out of at my expense! Which is cool- as long as I make someone smile! Do me a favor-  dont leave negative remarks....the worlds got enough negativity in it , -PEACEOUT! Karen


  1. :) LOVE it
    :) LOVE YOU!! xoxo

  2. SO GLAD you got into blogging, I think it's going to be a great ally for you to get some stuff off your chest.

  3. I love love reading...what I already know about you...that's why your my life long friend that I love with all my heart!!!!!!! I could think of 20 moments in life within a minute that we have shared with our other crazies! Hop on the bumpy road my friend, let's all ride this crazy life together and get through it and see our golden years making fun of each others moo mooo's and pearls! You are so special and god made you that way!!! and i'm so super glad we many years ago...keep smiling you crazy bird! I'm always here whenever you need to be reminded how awesome you are!!! I love you kar! kissy huggggs. nay


You know you wanna... jussayinn!