Sunday, September 22, 2013

First off I want to say I love my Mom, Peggy ! She deserves an award of the highest honor for raising me....She was faced with some hard times in life and she got thru it. She is a loving woman..she is a strong woman ..... shes there when I need her and does whatever she is able to do physically mentally, emotionally ...but with that being said...she is also the most stubborn woman in the world!!!  Also, unfortunetly I think due to my dads sudden death 16 years ago , has become more negative thruout the years -almost a "Debbie Downer", "Jonnie Raincloud". You could tell her the sky is blue and she would say" I think its grey....rain is coming..there goes my chance of hanging clothes on the line"...Remember Eyore from Winnie the Pooh? Yeah.
 One of the things she keeps for reasons only God knows, is magazines. Seriously- from like 1970 on. When my brother or sister or I ask her why..she says "cause there may be an article or recipe in there"....SERIOUSLY??? Well, sure enough, last year when I was going thru a depressing time in my life,
 ( my Best Buddy who lived cross the states died of a heart attack) , she brings me an article FROM 1978 ON PRE MENTOPAUSAL AND HOW TO GET THRU IT!!    WHAT????     Ma, seriously, thank you, but I would like to introduce you to a thing umm...called the uhhh...INTERNET? I am crying over the death of a loved one Ma.."Well, I thing you should read this never know!" she says...WOW.

Which brings me to the other thing she hoards...CLOTHES! She has a guest room closet that I call the  "overflow of clothes closet that I didnt even know a closet was there behind the clothes she had to hang on the trim cause the closet was so full" closet. My mom is a hoarder.  Not the gross kind like on TV and people live with skelatal remains of cats they didnt know they had, but enough to make her feel so overwhelmed she doesnt wanna even touch it. After speaking with her about giving it to consignment shops or Purple Heart, SHE GAVE IN -WOOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOO! So gently, we went thru , no lie, approx 400 pieces of clothing hung up in the closet. They were VERY nice brands, which made it easier to give to consignment for her to at least get some financial help for them. In fact so nice...THEY HAD THE PRICE TAGS ON THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Anyone remember Gimbles? Strawbridge and Clothier? Well  Im sure they would  remember her  SHE BOUGHT SO MUCH FROM THEM!!!!!!!!!!! Holy tags! Also, can we talk about the fact that my mom loved that Scottish plaid print? I dont even think a bagpiper has that much plaid! WOW! I dont know what size she is, cause she had so many different sizes in there, I thnk she could clothe the Duggar family! Some things she didnt even know she had, and got all excited caUse it was like Christmas for her! But lemme tell you - she knew and I got the story on EVERY PIECE OF CLOTHING and why she bought it,,,who she was with....if it was on sale....and the event she bought it for. The hardest was when I pulled an outfit out-minus the skirt, that she wore for my Dads Funeral. She wanted to keep it-the jacket- cause everyone said she looked pretty in it that day. That was a hard but loving moment.  Well after 3 hours, we finished. She did it! I told her I was so proud of her ( like she was a puppy who peed outside for the first time!!) but knowing how hard it was, and that it was a serious issue, I really am proud of her to "let go" of things she once thought made her happy...but in the end, just cluttered her on the outside and probably inside as well. She said she felt so much better and feels the strength to do more "cleaning out" with help. praise God :)
 Made me think on the way I keeping things just cause I can't let go? Material things? Emotional things? What is "cluttering my life? I thought of many a things and decided to start physically and "let them go". Im choosing to let it go-start with physical-bagged more than 6  trash bags of cloths to give away, not needed,,etc.Do you have "clutter"? you prolly do..why you holding on to it?  I think Im gonna now go and toss my childrens baby teeth....seriously, why do we keep them? We can't put em back in...hahahaha! .HAVE A GOOD DAY! No negative comments please-the world has enough negativity already!
 PEACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!